Signing, Opening and Entrance Ceremonies of University of Tsukuba, Malaysia

On 2 September, University of Tsukuba, Malaysia (UTMy) held its Signing Ceremony in the presence of Y.B. Dato’ Seri Diraja Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir, Minister of Higher Education, Malaysia, and Mr. YANO Kazuhiko, Senior Deputy Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Japan, followed by UTMy Opening Ceremony and Entrance Ceremony.
Following the Japan-Malaysia Summit in 2018, discussions began on the establishment of the UTMy as the first Japanese university to establish a campus out of Japan and to confer a Japanese degree. UTMy opened based on the Memorandum of Cooperation in 2023 regarding the establishment of a branch campus of the University of Tsukuba in Malaysia. Thirteen new students enrolled as the first batch.
UTMy is expected to contribute not only to the human resource development in Malaysia and the promotion of human exchange between Japan and Malaysia, but also to the development of Japanese companies in Malaysia and to the ASEAN region as a hub for Japanese-style higher education.

For more information on UTMy, please visit